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Logo Guidelines
Below you can find guidelines on how our logo may be used.
Please be sure to review all guidelines prior to using any of our assets.
Available in: png, jpg, and vector formats
To request our logo, please reach out to: press@bird.co

How to use it.
Keep it legal
Make sure you comply with our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.
Give it space.
Make sure you give the logo enough room to breathe. Please don’t place it too close to other objects on the page and don’t stack it on top of other objects.
It’s perfect as-is.
No need to ever change the color, integrate it into other graphics or add effects like gradients or shadows.

Acceptable Use Policy
Use of the Bird name and logo is a privilege, not a right. The Bird name and logo refers to our services or other offerings.
Do not use the logo in a way that suggests or implies partnership, sponsorship or endorsement by Bird, unless you have a written agreement with us specifying such relationship.
Do not incorporate the Bird name or logo, or anything confusingly similar, into your or others’ trademarks, domain names, logos or similar content.
Do not feature our name or logo on materials associated with unlawful activity or content which is negative, disparaging or otherwise harmful to Bird or its affiliates.
We may modify our Acceptable Use Policy at any time, and will post the most current version on our site. You’re responsible for complying with any modified terms. We reserve the right to enforce this Policy in our sole discretion.
The Bird name and logo and any other marketing materials or other downloadable content are provided by Bird “AS IS.” Bird makes no warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, completeness, performance, merchantability, fitness for use, non-infringement, or other attributes of such materials.