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Rides for all
Qualified riders waive the $1 unlocking fee.

At Bird, we believe that everyone should have access to affordable, environmentally-friendly transportation options.
Whether it’s for running errands, commuting to work, or connecting to transit, we understand that access to reliable, clean, and affordable transportation is vital for the economic and environmental health of all communities. Find out more below.

Bird Access
Available for low-income and non-smartphone users who are currently enrolled in or eligible for a state or federal assistance program, including, but not limited to: CalFresh, Medicard, SNAP, Discounted Utility Bill
Red, White & Bird
Available to active duty and retired military personnel. We want to honor the bravery and sacrifice of our armed forces. Thank you for your service.
Ride now.
The open road awaits, download Bird onto your phone and start riding today.