Bird’s Fleet Manager Program: Local Operations, Local Opportunity

How do you safely respond to cities’ needs for essential micromobility services during a global pandemic?

That’s the question the Bird team was tasked with answering earlier this year when we realized that our operations model didn’t fully correspond to a COVID world. So we adapted by developing, testing and refining our Fleet Manager program.

Fleet Managers (FM) are local businesses, entrepreneurs or logistics providers who lead operations on a portion of our electric scooter fleet in-market. That includes responsibilities such as sanitization, fleet deployment and rebalancing and general care of our Bird vehicles out in the community. Through shared knowledge and clear communication between Bird, our Fleet Managers and our city partners, we’re able to establish a highly tailored micromobility network that provides top quality service and economic benefits for communities. 

The program was adapted specifically for local entrepreneurs and local business owners, many of whom were among the tens of millions whose employment and income have been directly impacted by COVID-19. Since Fleet Managers make money on each ride taken on the scooters they operate, there are built-in economic incentives to ensure that vehicles are properly managed, frequently cleaned and strategically placed where there’s the greatest need.

The success of Bird’s Fleet Managers is closely linked to our own. That’s why we equip each FM with a Fleet Manager Dashboard: a suite of tools and information that help ensure compliant operations while also providing crucial data and insights to help Fleet Managers optimize performance. These resources include:

  • Analytics for locating, capturing and releasing vehicles
  • Identifying high-demand areas to increase ridership
  • Vehicle tracking status
  • Support with in-field repairs and routine maintenance
  • Adherence to city and local compliance requirements

After hardware usage is deducted, Fleet Managers can take home up to 2/3 of the revenue generated from every Bird ride taken on the scooters they operate. The median annualized take-home amount for Fleet Managers in the US is currently more than $70,000. 

It’s important to note that there are $0 upfront costs to becoming an FM, and individuals are not charged equipment return penalties.* 

The result is a hyper-local system of fleet operations managed by local business owners and entrepreneurs who are deeply integrated in their communities. The program is already showing promise, growing beyond its initial goal of providing safe and essential mobility operations during the coronavirus pandemic. Bird Fleet Managers are now improving micromobility systems in our partner cities around the world, and their stories are inspiring. 

“Being a Fleet Manager has enabled me to become a strong business owner and boss, and to take care of my family and provide employment opportunities at a time when we all need help,” said Chris, owner of Fleet Enterprise LLC in Atlanta. “I enjoy what I do with a passion. It’s an honor to provide healthy, electric transportation for my city to enjoy.”

“The Rider Incentives and your fleet managers on the ground seem to be doing a good job managing the devices, fleet rebalancing, and overall user parking performance. Keep up the great work and thank you for the partnership,” said Alyssa Muto, Deputy Director of Environment & Mobility Planning, San Diego.

We’re committed to building community and economic mobility in every city in which we operate, which is why we’re proud to highlight our Fleet Manager community stories and share the tips and techniques they’re using to help their local neighborhoods benefit from micromobility. 

Rather than tell you more about the program, we’d love for you to meet some of the Fleet Manager partners and to hear their stories. Click the video above to learn more.

*Subject to the terms and conditions of the Mobility Services Agreement.