Bird Named Best Scooter Operator in Germany, #1 Micromobility App Globally

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this week’s news, it’s that persistence and cooperation can make all the difference. 

Bird is both humbled and honored to announce that we’ve been rated the #1 micromobility app in the world just days after being named the best scooter operator in Germany. 

The results are based on global App Store rankings as reported by Micromobility Industries, as well as on the results of an in-depth consumer survey first announced in Germany’s Handelsblatt business magazine, respectively.

According to Handelsblatt’s Andreas Schulte: “Consistent customer orientation obviously put Bird in the fast lane as it relates to consumer favor. Despite the head start that its competitors enjoyed in the market, Bird can now be considered the ‘best service provider’ among the e-scooter rental companies in Germany.”

Our team has been listening to and learning from our riders across more than a dozen German partner cities throughout the year. It’s thanks to this ongoing dialog that we’ve developed and released a number of exciting new initiatives including free unlocks, subscription ride passes and our Frequent Flyer loyalty program. 

While we’re happy to take a moment to acknowledge this recognition, we know there’s much more work to be done to encourage riders to choose sustainable micromobility over personal cars or ride hail. The data clearly show that e-scooters are quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of personal urban transportation in the world. Now is the time for us to continue strengthening our relationships with cities and riders to ensure that the momentum we’re seeing continues to build into a full fledged urban mobility revolution.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us this far. We’ll keep working to earn your trust every day.