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Bloomington’s Regulations on Use
(a) This Section applies to any motorized scooter use, whether or not the motorized scooter is a shared-use motorized scooter.
(b) Every person who operates a motorized scooter on public property shall comply with the following provisions:
(1) A person operating a motorized scooter on a sidewalk, multiuse path, multiuse trail, or within a crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian.
(2) A person who is operating a motorized scooter and who is passing a pedestrian traveling on the same facility shall pass the pedestrian at a distance of at least three feet. If the person is operating the motorized scooter on a sidewalk or is unable to pass the pedestrian at a distance of at least three feet on any other facility, then the person operating the motorized scooter shall stop, dismount, or exit the facility.
(3) A person operating a motorized scooter upon a multiuse path, multiuse trail, or within a crosswalk, before overtaking a person with a visual impairment who is carrying a white cane or who is guided by a service animal, shall dismount and pass on foot, if necessary to avoid startling, inconveniencing or colliding with the person.
(4) A person operating a motorized scooter shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian while traveling in the same direction and on the same facility as the pedestrian. The audible signal may be given by voice or by bell or other warning device capable of giving an audible signal and shall be given at such a distance and in such a manner as to not startle the person or persons being passed.
(5) A person operating a motorized scooter on a sidewalk, multiuse path, multiuse trail, or within a crosswalk shall not suddenly move into the path of a pedestrian, vehicle, or similar device so as to constitute an immediate hazard.
(6) No person shall operate a motorized scooter on a sidewalk, multiuse path, or multiuse trail at a speed greater than ordinary pedestrian activity when approaching or entering a crosswalk, or approaching or crossing a driveway or alley if a vehicle is approaching the crosswalk or driveway close enough to constitute a potential hazard.
(7) No person shall operate a motorized scooter while controlling an animal, whether such control is by hand, by leash, or by any alternative medium.
(8) No person shall operate a shared-use motorized scooter within the designated boundaries of a special event for which a special event permit has been obtained.
(9) Operating a motorized scooter on the sidewalks and within the crosswalks in any dismount zone is prohibited. Persons operating motorized scooters in these areas shall dismount.
(c) A violation of this Section shall be a Class G Traffic Violation which bears a penalty listed in Section 15.64.010(h) of the Bloomington Municipal Code.
Bloomington’s Regulations on Parking
(a) Motorized scooters may be parked at any bicycle parking facility located in the public right-of-way.
(b) Motorized scooters may be parked on the street within corrals that are specifically designated for scooters and bicycles. Corrals shall be designed to prevent scooters and bicycles from falling outside of the boundaries of the corral.
(d) Motorized scooter parking is permitted on sidewalks with the following limitations.
(1) Motorized scooters shall be parked in an upright position.
(2) Motorized scooters shall be parked so as to leave a clear straight pathway at least fifty-four (54) inches wide, and such clear pathway shall be measured from the widest part of the scooter. The fifty-four inches shall not include the width of the curb.
(3) Under no circumstance shall motorized scooters be parked so as to obstruct:
(A) Any parking space, including any parking access aisle;
(B) Any loading zone;
(C) Any curb ramp;
(D) Any public transportation infrastructure including, but not limited to, bus shelters, bus stop signs, or passenger waiting areas;
(E) Any driveway;
(F) Any entrance or exit from any building;
(G) Any fire hydrant, emergency call box, or other emergency facility;
(H) Any parking meter;
(I) Any utility pole or utility box;
(J) Any street furniture or newsrack;
(K) Any commercial window display; or
(L) A crosswalk button.
(4) Under no circumstance shall motorized scooters be parked so as to impede accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), so as to impede access to accessible parking zones, or so as to impede access to parking spaces designated for persons with disabilities.
(e) Motorized scooters may be parked by riders on unimproved surfaces when no more than two are placed parallel to the street and touching a city traffic or parking sign located in a tree plot or grassy zone, without plantings such as flowers or ornamental grass, between a sidewalk and the street.
(f) No person shall park a shared-use motorized scooter within the designated boundaries of a special event for which a special event permit has been obtained.
(g) Except within corrals that are specifically designated for scooter parking, motorized scooters shall not be parked upon any street or alley.
(h) Except as permitted by subsections 15.58.050 (b), (c), (d), and (e), motorized scooters shall not be parked upon any public property. At its sole discretion, the Board of Public Works may grant shared-use motorized scooter operators permission to park shared-use motorized scooters upon designated City property over which the Board of Public Works exercises jurisdiction. At its sole discretion, the Board of Park Commissioners may grant shared-use motorized scooter operators permission to park shared-use motorized scooters upon designated City property over which the Board of Park Commissioners exercises jurisdiction. At its sole discretion, the Redevelopment Commission may grant shared-use motorized scooter operators permission to park shared-use motorized scooters upon designated property over which the Redevelopment Commission exercises jurisdiction.
(i) In order to verify compliance with the requirements of this Section, shared-use motorized scooter operators shall require shared-use motorized scooter users to take a photograph demonstrating the location of their parked scooter at the conclusion of their rental.
(j) The City may move any shared-use motorized scooter that is parked in violation of this Section to a location where the scooter may be lawfully parked. If the City opts to move an illegally parked shared-use motorized scooter to a legal parking position, the City may nonetheless assess any applicable fines in accordance with this Chapter.
(k) Operators will be responsible for identifying the riders consistently violating rules in regard to parking and following up with appropriate disciplinary action of increasing severity, including additional education, warnings, fines, and eventual removal of users from operator apps. If the City identifies areas of concern where consistent violations of parking disproportionate to ridership levels are impeding ADA access, the City will work with vendors to geofence these locations to restrict scooter access.
(l) The City of Bloomington Parking Commission, established by Bloomington Municipal Code § 2.12.110, and the City of Bloomington Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission, established by Bloomington Municipal Code § 2.12.080, are jointly directed to take up the study of parking associated with shared-use motorized scooters within downtown Bloomington and within neighborhoods where there have been documented substantial complaints regarding shared-use motorized scooters.
The Commissions are directed to produce a report which documents their findings. Said report shall be forwarded to the Common Council no later than March 31, 2020 for review. The Common Council shall take the report and its findings into consideration when deciding what additional parking restrictions may be appropriate for shared-use motorized scooters.
(m) A violation of this Section shall be a Class D Traffic Violation which bears a penalty listed in Section 15.64.010(d) of the Bloomington Municipal Code. In addition, any shared-use motorized scooter parked in violation of this section and located so as to pose a hazard to public health and safety may be immediately removed and impounded by the City in accordance with Section 15.58.140. In accordance with Section 15.58.140, removal, impoundment, storage and/or disposal of a shared-use motorized scooter shall be a Class E Traffic Violation and shall subject the responsible shared-use motorized scooter operator to the penalty listed in Section 15.64.010(e).
The City’s affordability and accessibility requirements
(a) Shared-use motorized scooter operators shall provide a fifty percent (50%) price discount to members of the public who can demonstrate participation in any local, state, or federally-administered assistance program including, but not limited to, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The fifty percent (50%) discount required by this Section shall be applied to any and all fees and rates imposed by a shared-use motorized scooter operator including, but not limited to, any unlocking charge or per-minute usage fee. However, a shared-use motorized scooter operator may utilize a different method for computing a price discount provided that, in every instance, the overall cost of the ride to the eligible user is fifty percent (50%) or less than the cost of the ride that would have been charged to a user who was not eligible for the discount.
(b) As a condition of obtaining the license required in Section 15.58.040 and with the goal of making shared-use motorized scooters a mobility option for all Bloomington residents, the Board of Public Works may impose additional affordability and/or accessibility requirements on shared-use motorized scooter operators.
Any shared-use motorized scooter operator that fails to comply with this Section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1.01.130. In addition, any shared-use motorized scooter operator that violates this Section may be penalized with the revocation of the shared-use motorized scooter operator’s license in accordance with Section 15.58.150.
Bird Access – Low-income Plan
Bird offers robust equity programs in every U.S. city. Bird Access, our low-income assistance plan, provides free and discounted rides to qualifying riders. Bird Access ensures that no one is unable to get where they need to go because of financial reasons.
Bird was the first e-scooter share company to offer a low-income plan. Bird Access currently provides unlimited rides for 30 minutes or less at the discounted rate of $5 per month.
Sign up
Anyone currently enrolled in or eligible for a city, state, or federal assistance program qualifies for Bird Access. To enroll in Bird Access, riders email proof of enrollment in a city, state, or federal assistance program, (including, but not limited to Medicaid, SNAP/LINK, discounted utility bills, discounted bus passes, etc.) along with their full name and phone number, to access@bird.co. Approval takes approximately two to three business days.
Best practices concerning safe and courteous shared-use motorized scooter use.
- Always wear a helmet.
- Ride in bike lanes, where available.
- No double riding
- Park the scooter in a bike rack or in another lawful spot on public property that does not block the right-of-way, limit access for individuals with disabilities, risk damaging private or public property, or jeopardize public safety.
- Ride Responsibly – keep an eye out for cars and pedestrians.